flower Getting Started With Your Website flower

Following is a checklist of sorts to get you started. Going through the items listed below will help you begin to understand the scope of developing a website. Fortunately, you don't need to worry about the various technical aspects of developing a website—that will be my job!

  1. Make your initial contact. You can send email to Celena Allison.
  2. Find websites you like and bookmark the links or keep some reference to the web addresses. Ask yourself, "What is it about this site I like?" "What do I like about the design, styling, color scheme, etc.?" This will help to identify what you might want for your own web site.
  3. Think about the information you would like your potential clients to know about you and your practice. Try to put yourself in their shoes—as a psychotherapist, you're probably very good at that!
  4. If you don't already have a domain name, brainstorm ideas. Many therapists choose their own name for their web domain name, which makes the process easy. You may also have a specialty or niche that lends itself to an appropriate domain name. In any case, you will want to come up with several possibilities because your favorites may not be available for purchase.

I hope you are starting to get excited about moving forward with the creation of your website. I will meet you at whatever stage you feel ready to start the building process, whether you feel somewhat at a loss, you have some ideas beginning to brew, or if you know exactly what you want. I look forward to discussing the next steps of developing your web site with you.

Feel free to send email to Celena Allison.