flower My Web Design Background flower


My venture with web design began in the late 1990's at UCSC. I led and participated on design teams, and often wished I could spend more time with this craft because it was a lot of fun, even back then.

Fast forward to 2008. I retired from UCSC and fully turned to my second and now primary career of Psychotherapy. I needed a website, and although I first searched for a "real" web designer, I finally decided to create my own private practice website, using Dreamweaver (web development software).

With serendipity in full force (I'll spare you the details), in Summer 2008 I delved into hand coding and styling web sites, including a full re-do of my own private practice site to ensure search engine optimization (SEO), standards compliance, and easy, efficient maintenance. I have been happily immersed in hobby-turned-business ever since.


I have successfully completed the full series of web publishing courses, and courses in JavaScript and PHP/MySQL programming languages, at Cabrillo College. I have also taken classes and/or honed skills in Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, and Fireworks.

Psychotherapy Background

I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of California—Lic.# LMFC44789.
Additional background information can be found on my private practice psychotherapy website.

Feel free to send email to Celena Allison.